


Under the present agreement, the company named “Angel’s Transfer”. Here in after called Lessor hereby rents to the “Renter” the Vehicle, as described here in (including any replacement vehicle) subject to the following terms and conditions. As well as to those included in the front side of the present agreement which the Renter fully accepts in their entirety expressly, unconditionally and unresevedly.

DRIVER’ S AGE: For credit card holders the Renter must be minimum 21 years of age and not less than 23 years old for non credit card holders, in order to be eligible for car rentals of Groups X.A.B.W.K. For all other car Groups, the Renter must have completed the 25th year of age.

DEPOSITS – MINIMUM RENTAL: It is agreed by the Lessor that the warranty for estimated charges is required to be deposited in advance at the beginning of rental with a minimum amount of € 150.00 daily. No deposit is required for credit card holders. Acknowledged to be acceptable by the Lessor. Car groups C.D.S.V.P.T.Z.J.R.G.H.UJ cannot be rented on a cash payment basis. The minimum rental period is one (1) full day (24 hours). For each hour (up to three (3) hours) of using/holding the car inexcess under the current agreement terms. The renter will be charged an excess fee amounting to 20% (1/5th) of the daily rental fee. Beyond the three hours excess time limit, the renter will be charged with an additional full daily rate.

DELIVERY AND RECEIPT: The Renter received the vehicle, which he examined and found it to his complete satisfaction. In perfect condition and appropriate for the purpose he rents it the Renter must return Vehicle and all documents. Tools and accessories that accompany it to the Lessor in the same condition he received it, at the location and on the date designated in this agreement. On the time of returning the vehicle to the Lessor, the Renter must also remove all the personal objects left in the vehicle, for which the Lessor does not assume any responsibility to store. Otherwise, and upon expiration of the agreed rental period, the Renter is obliged 1) to pay to the Lessor the normal rental charge for agreed period of renting the vehicle. 2) to compensate the Lessor for any loss and consequential damage, resulting from limiting the Lessor of further renting the vehicle (loss of earnings etc). and 3) to return the vehicle to its prior condition at his own expense. The Lessor reserves the right to gain repossession and use of Vehicle at any time without notice, and without Renter’s consent, but at Renter’s expense, from any location and by any means if, at the discretion of the Lessor, there is danger of damage or loss of Vehicle as well as risk of not the rental charge or any other due compensation. Apart from the above mentioned cases, the Lessor has the right to gain and use of Vehicle it has been used inviolation of this agreement or of the designated rental period.

THEFT (TPC), DAMAGE (CDW), LIABILTY: The Renter has the obligation to compensate the Lessor in the event of theft, loss or damage to Vehicle and to any person (including his co-passengers) as well as to pay all consequential losses and damages suffered by the Lessor irrespective to his fault. More specifically: a1) The Renter is responsible for all the damages he has caused to Vehicle or to others, whether he violated the terms of use of Vehicle or in case he has been driving in an illegal manner or inviolation of the Greek Driving Code. a2) The Renter is obliged to compensate the Lessor for anything that the Renter may have to pay to third parties, for damage that the Renter caused driving the vehicle, and if not so, the Lessor reserves the right to seek legalaction against such compensation with a statutory interest and any further damage (moral damage. etc.). b) The Renter is responsible for the partial or total theft or loss of Vehicle, unless the Lessor exempts the Renter from the responsibility for total theft or loss of Vehicle. Such exemption is valid, provided the Renter has already agreed with the daily rental charge and the conditions of «Theft Protection» (TPC) of Vehicle, at the beginning of rental, as these terms are defined in the official Lessor’ s price-list (tariff), by mariling inthe «Accepts» box on the front side of this agreement, provided that Renter has taken all the precautions to avoid total theft or loss of the Vehicle and has used it in compliance with the terms of this agreement. It is expressly agreed that theft or loss of the parts, accessories and/or equipment (partial theft) of the Vehicle is not covered by abovementioned acceptance of «Theft Protection» (TPC). c) The Renter is responsible for damage to the Vehicle due to collision or fire, unless Renter has accepted the term «Collision Damage Waiver» (DDW) by mariling in the «Accept» box on the front side of this agreement and by paying the respective daily charge. The abovementioned acceptance of «Collision Damage Waiver» (CDW) does not offer an exemption to the Renter if Vehicle was not used incompliance with the terms of this agreement and particularly incompliance with the terms of use. Even if Renter has accepted “Collision Damage Waiver”, the Renter acknowledges and full agrees under the current agreement a minimum charge for the restoration of the damage as designated in the official Lessor’s price-list (tariff), or as this agreement, unless Renter has accepted

“Full Damage Waiver” (FOW) by mariling in the “Accept” box and by charge. It is expressly agreed that: The said acceptance of “Collision Damage Waiver” (CDW) or of «Full Damage in any case damages caused: 1. underneath the Vehicle. 2. To the tires and wheels of Vehicle. 3. During Vehicle by ships or trains or other means of transport without Lessor’s prior written consent. d) The Renter designated driver of the vehicle, not to grant the use of the vehicle to any third parties, not mentioned and the Renter is solely responsible for restoring any damage caused from the driver’s fault to the vehicle or to drive the vehicle in accordance with the rules set by the Greek Driving Code, and in complete safety users. In the event that any damage will occur to the vehicle or to third parties due to non-prudent and assumes the exclusive fault or even contributory negligence.the Renter is obliged to compensate compensation for the damage suffered or to compensate third parties. and if not so, the Lessor interest and any further damage claimed (moral damage. etc.) through court.

CHARGES: Renter shall pay to the Lessor at the termination of the rental period. unless otherwise agreed under a special written agreement the following sums: a. The daily fixed rental fee for the entire rental period. b.The charges that correspond to the mileage covered the vehicle with period unless otherwise agreed, based on the unit price per kilometer, as designated in the official Lessor’s price-list (tariff). The number of the covered kilometers is computed according to the indications of the kilometer counter at the beginning and at the end of the rental period. In case the kilometer counter does not function, the charge is based on the number of kilometers between distances covered by the Renter with the Vehicle. c. All charges concerning refueling of Vehicle, in case it is not returned in the same level, as it was checked, the time when the Vehicle was delivered to the Renter, the «Theft Protection» (TPC). The “Collision Damage Waiver” (CDW). the «Personal Accident Insurance» (PAD, the «Full Damage Waiver» (FDW) and any other charge provided by the terms of this agreement or by the official price list (tariff). The Renter agrees and accepts that in case, at the end of the rental period, the Vehicle is not returned to the Lessor with the same level of fuel, as it was at the time when the Vehicle was delivered by the Lessor then the Renter will be additionally charged with the «Refueling Seivice Charge» as suchfee is determined in the official Lessor’s price-list (tariff). d. Any taxes, duties and other expenses related to the rental of the Vehicle. e.Any Lessor’s costs, including attorney’s fees and default interest incurred in collecting any kind of payments due to this rental or related to the repossesion of the Vehicle by the Rental. In this case, the Renter or additional driver, mentioned on the front side of this agreement. shall continue to be responsible for any illegal acts. g. Any necessary cost replacing or repairing of destroyed tires or wheels or any sums for restoring damages on the lower part of Vehicle, for repairing any other damage and also for compensating due to loss of Vehicle, unless the respective waivers have been accepted and their terms have been applied (article 5). h. The additional charge for delivering or returning of the Vehicle and also the charge for its return to a location different from the one designated on the front side of this agreement without the Lessor’s written consent, such charge being determined in the official Lessor’s price-list (tariff). i.The additional «Airport Seivice Charge» in case the Renter rented the Vehicle at a Lessor’s branch located in an airport. The Renter agrees and accepts: 1. Granted discounts will be recalled.if the settlement of Lessor’s account is not made within the set limits. 2. All charges are subject to final audit bythe Lessor, and the Renter accepts them fully in their entirety with this agreement.

6.TERMS OF USE: The Renter is expected to take good care of the Vehicle, to preseive it in good condition, to check its mechanical condition oil and water level the tires, etc. and in general to behave and drive in a prudent manner. Any repair of the Vehicle by the Renter himself other person is prohibited without the Lessor’s prior consent. In condition to the aforementioned clauses, the Vehicle is prohibited leave the national territory of Greece, or be loaded on train or ship or means of transportation without the Lessor’s prior written consent. b.The Vehicle must not be usedto carry, persons or property for hire c.To propel or to tow any vehicle. trailer or other object. d. To participate in or to fallow racing competitions. e. For subleasing to any third party by the Renter. f. For purposes contrary to the Greek Law. g.To pertorm for illegal acts (illegal transports.etc) h.While the Renter or additional driver of the Vehicle is under the influence of alcohol. hallucinatory drugs, narcotics, barbiturates or any other substance impairing his consciousness or ability to drive and react. i. Incontravention of any customs authorities. traffic or other regulations. k. By any third person other than the Renter and any additional driver, for whom the Renter has accepted the daily charge foradditional drivers, as such third person other than the Renter and any additional driver, for whom the Renter has accepted the daily charge foradditional drivers, as such charge is designated in the official Lessor’s price-list (tariff), j.To transfer or carry heavy luggage, inflammable materials. staining or foul smelling goods etc.

EXTENSION OF RENTAL PERIOD: If the Renter wishes to prolong the rental period of Vehicle, he has to notify the Lessor in writing at least twenty four (24) hours before the end of the agreed period, and receive the respective written approval. In case of violating this term and fails notice the Lessor, the Renter will face both civil and penal liabilities for illegal use and possession of the Vehicle. In case of rental extension, the Renter will be bound by both the terms and conditions of the initial hhagreement and the rental extension agreement irrespective of the Vehicle currently rented, or any replacements thereof.

INDEMNITY: The Renter expressly agrees that the Lessor is not responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Renter or any third parties (human or animal). During the rental period and no claimbe raised against Lessor for the above reason.

ACCIDENTS: In case of any accident or any other incident (fire, theft, etc). The Renter or the additional driver(s) are obliged to proceed immediately to the following acts, by any appropriate means and without delay: a. Inform the Lessor, and not assume any liability, guilt or claims of third parties in any way, directly or indirectly, b. Note the details of the vehicle(s) engaged in the accident, the names and the addresses of the driver and car owner, as well as the names and the addresses of eye witnesses c. Notify the Police and the Insurance companies to investigate the conditions of the accident, and ease the care provisioning by the Fire Department, ambulance para-medics to any injurers. d. Inform the Lessor about all collected evidences in serious concern to the accident. e. Obtain all relevant information any third party. f. Photograph the location of the accident and the vehicles, drivers, and/or any existing wounded people participating in accident, if possible. The Renter must complete and sign an accident/theft report latest within twenty-four (24) hours at the nearest Lessor’s branch and send all revelant documents or information to the Lessor. In case of theft or loss of Vehicle Renter must announce the incident, and submit a written report of the incident at the nearest police department within twenty – four (24) hours, and promptly receive a copy of the event report.

INSURANCES: a.The Lessor provides the Renter and any additional driver with insurance coverage by insurance companies of the Lessor’s choice offering coverage for death or injuries of third parties. passengers or not, of the Vehicle (the Vehicle driver is excluded) to the total maximum amount of € for material damages of third parties, excluding the Lessor’s vehicle, caused on objects inside or on vehicle. to the total maximum amount of €, under the condition that they have not violated any term of this agreement. b. Toe Lessor provides insurance coverage against third parties only to those persons who usethe Vehicle with its permission, by an insurance policy, the terms of which are available for examination. c. The Renter, any additional authorized drivers and all other passengers of the Vehicle are not covered by «Personal Accident Insurance» (PAI) as such term is determined in the official Lessor’s price-list (tariff). Unless Renter accepts «Personal Accident Insurance» at the beginning of rental by mariling in «Accept»box onthe front side of this agreement, thus accepting the coverage provided by Lessor’s insurance policy for personal accidents, as mentioned in the official price-list and paying the respective daily charge. d. Luggage is not covered by insurance and the Renter is responsible for any loss or damage of property belonging to him or not. The Lessor holds no responsibility for any such loss. damage etc. at the time of rental or after the return of Vehicle to the Lessor.

11.PERSONAL DATA: The Renter consents to the storage of his personal data inthe Lessor’s electronic database. It is explicitly agreed that the Lessor is authorized to use such data when the Renter makes incorrect statements at time of the rental, or violates the terms of this agreement, and reseives the right to pass on such data to the Authorities, in case there is suspicion of committing a criminal or other offence.

12.MISCEUANEOUS: a. The Vehicle remains at all times a property of “Angel’s Transfer”. The present agreement acts only as a rental. The Renter is not a Lessor’s representative in any way and by any means. The Renter acknowledges that has acquired no other than those stated in this agreement. b. During the whole rental period each and every additional drivers are separately and the Renter. c. Likewise, in case that this agreement is signed by any representative of the Renter, he would be jointly andresponsile with the Renter. d.This agreement supersedes any other prior written or verbalagreement between the Lessor and Lessor cannot waive any of its rights deriving from the law and this agreement. f. Any alteration of theterms of this agreement agreed in writing. g.The Renter agrees and accepts that all above-mentioned terms are valid both in case of the initial Lessor and in any case of extension of this time of the rental and/or replacement of the Vehicle by another. h.In case between the copies and the original of this agreement the original possessed by the Lessor always supersedes. i. The acknowledge and accept that all terms of this agreement are substantial and fundamental for the purpose of the here of agreement.

13.JURISDICTION: This agreement is governed by Greek Legislation. Any and all disputes which may arise from this agreement between the Lessor and the Renter will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts of Athens in Greece.​


HYUNDAI I 10: 500€
HYUNDAI I 20:600€
PEUGEOT 2008:1.000€

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